
We hold two shows each year in Spring and Summer.These shows give the more competitve members the opportunity to exhibit their plants and compare them with others. The displays on these days show an impressive range of flowers, vegetables and fruits. It can be quite amazing to see the differences between entries which are in fact in the same class! There are also classes for home industries, cookery, flower arrangments, photography and classes for children to enter. At the end of the show, a presentation of cups is made to the winning growers.

Spring Show 2024: 23rd MARCH

Summer Show 2024: 24th AUGUST

To see the schedule for the 2024 shows click on the link below:

We apologise that the new Dave Robinson Cup has been omitted from the schedule. The details are below:

Dave Robinson cup will be awarded to class 65 (3 Stems of Fuchsia) in the Summer Show 2023.

Results of the Spring 2022 Show:

The cups were presented by ANNIE NORTHFIELD (Chair of FEERING and KELVEDON Garden Club).

 Here are some pictures from our 100th Summer 2019 Show (courtesy of Peter Klyhn):